Saturday, August 12, 2006

Please Pray

*Edit to Update*
Handyman Bob is out of surgery, they *think* the retina is OK, they will replace the lens once the eye is stable. Thanks for all your kind thoughts and prayers. I really mean what I said about the safety goggles, glasses aren't enough. Handyman Bob was only driving a nail, no nail gun, just a hammer. He wears glasses, but the nail managed to flip back and get him anyhow.

Girls, if you'd be so kind as to put Handyman Bob in your prayers, I'd be really grateful. There was a handyman type accident this morning, he is being flown to a hospital in the city. If you have a handy guy, or are a handy girl yourself, please, please, please remember your safety goggles, even if you are just doing a routine task. We are praying for his life, his sight and his family. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Sending up some extra love for him and his family.

Gabriela said...

Thanks for the reminder about safety goggles.

Praying for Handyman Bob.

Nettie said...

I'll say a prayer for him, too. And remember the safety goggles. Life can be so unexpectedly dangerous sometimes.