Monday, December 29, 2008

A Monster Post

How about a whirl-wind catch up post? OK. Here we go.

A loooong while back I shot some darling photo's of J to serve as her new school year photo. Here are my favorites in random order:




And I had so much fun I dragged her sister out of bed and got this shot:


Over on the side bar in my Flikr stream are pictures from Halloween...we had Zorro, Princess Leah, and Snow White this year.


But my favorite thing from halloween was how J chose to rummage her candy haul:


Then I captured movie watching with Dad...I think they were watching Swiss Family Robinson, the giggles are because I scared the tar out of a little girl who was seriously engrossed in the show. (Note: We make it our policy to lock up all her clothes so she can never find them.)


I don't think I ever got around to posting pictures of the grand baby...yeah, she's only 6 months old now.



Aren't itty bitty baby feet just the best?


Back in November we had about three days of the most incredible colors, I got some very fun shots of the kids in the pile of leaves they made on the front lawn.

This wasn't my favorite of B, but it's grown on me:




I can't even begin to tell you how ticked off I was at the botched depth of field on this one. *sigh* I converted it to b/w and have it framed on my desk. I still love it. I just wish the focus on B's face were...well, there at all really...

kids fall2 2008

Here are Thing One and Thing Two...of the baby shower fame:

That was a tough session. The only place in their house with any light was this tiny bathroom...but we managed to get some fun shots.

Then in early December, K had a *very* bad accident. She removed a bowl of Ramen Noodles from the microwave and lost control of the bowl.



I immediately began to use Hubster's cold laser on it and she was given a blessing. Today, two and a half weeks later, her leg looks like the tan peeled off, but no major scarring. It never even really got horrible looking after the blisters peeled off. Unfortunately, I didn't laser her toes as intensly as I did her leg. She will have scars on her toes, she still has open wounds across her toes, but they are healing. Here's a picture of the laser in use on the second day:


The very next day, my nephew graduated from Chiropractic College. He asked Hubster to hand him his was very sweet...and I got to see my of my very favorite people ever. Look at his cute little wife...aren't they just beyond sweet?




And I'll finish this monster post with a slew of Christmas photo's and a sentence that begins with a conjunction...just cause school's out and I'm feelin' lazy.

New Christmas aprons and comforter (on arm of couch):


Look close and you may be able to identify what we ate on Christmas Eve by the shmutz on B's shirt:






1 comment:

Unknown said...

Who are all these grown up children? Where are the wee little ones I met.. um... THREE??? years ago?!

They are so precious girl! And you're doing a great job with the photography.

I think about you often and miss you muchly.