Saturday, March 01, 2008

Summing It Up

I found an interesting concept today over at Smith Magazine. They claim that legend tells of Hemingway being asked to write a story in six words. His response was "For Sale, baby shoes, never worn." So they've asked people to sum up their lives in six words. I planned on thinking on this over the week, but it came to me much faster than I ever anticipated. My submission? "I failed to plan and lived". And I'm not having second thoughts about it either. It totally fits. So what about you? Sum up YOUR life in six words and leave me some comment love.


JD said...

I am going to have to get back to you on this one I can't even figure out a six words that make sense.

Kacey said...

So good, I want a mulligan!

Gabriela said...

I like yours. :) I haven't thought of one. If I do I'll let you know.

Unknown said...

"She gave laughs and love always."

Brenda Susan said...

"No more fear, life is amazing!"